Minggu, 01 November 2015

A Day With Old Best Friends

Hi everyone!

Sorry for long time no post.

Two months ago I was busy with final thesis and on September 22nd 2015 I passed the bachelor of science communication. Exactly one month ago, on October 1st 2015, I started working in a consumer goods company in Jakarta. My friends already had a job too.

When everyone was busy with their job, it was quite difficult for us to arrange time to meet. Weekend is one of the options that we could use as well as possible.

Finally, my two best girls since junior high school and me got a chance to hangout together.

We went to Pantai Indah Kapuk. Grabbed our brunch at The Twig Cafe then continues to Cake A Boo * bcoz we can't resist their cute decoration! Their cakes and beverages are also unresistable ♡

So, here it is.
(sorry for the low quality picts, we only use our camera phones)

Our main course - The Twig Cafe, PIK
Our desserts at The Twig Cafe (Mr. Brown and Love Me Cheese Cake)

Look their wall decoration (Cake A Boo, PIK)
Shake A Bear - Oreo milkshake topped with cotton candy and a donut bear 
Pasta Chili Crab Linguine - The Twig Cafe, PIK

i wish this fish eye wefie won't out of date

Love Me Cheese Cake - The Twig Cafe, PIK

Fabulous hair of my girl friend 


Signature Twig's Sandwich - The Twig Cafe, PIK

With my girls <3
Photo taken by @yessicakemala
Grateful for the foods :)
Never enough of wefiess ^^v

Suit And Tie Ice Cream - Cake A Boo, PIK

Who doesn't loves cotton candy? xP

That's it :)
I really look forward our next hangout together ^^

Thank you for reading.
See you guys on my next post :)

"A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else." - Unknown