Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Singapore Trip, September 2014

Hi guys :)

Finally this is my officially first post for my new blog, karena post-post sebelumnya itu repost dari blog aku yang lama.

with my younger sissy <3
Today I wanna share my picts when I went to Singapore at September last year with my family.
It was just a really short trip, only 4 days 3 nights, because we went there not during holidays, so my dad gotta go work right on the next day.

Okay, here's the picts :)

got a sherk bottle

with my big bro and charlie chaplin
welcome to far far away
they dance for the magic beans :3

at sentosa resort

the ginger bread stuffs
the mainstream universal globe
at singapore zoo
special guest panda
no idea what is it?

our tickets

Thanks for visit my blog ^^
see you guys soon~

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi

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